Phancy Pheathers limited edition serigraph #2239
Phancy Pheathers features one of the most decorative of all birds – the pheasant! This copy is expertly presented with double matting and Charley’s pun inset into the mats. This certainly adds a unique and professional touch to the presentation! Color coordinated mats and frame accent this image nicely. A hard to find print in great condition and ready to hang on the wall. Price includes shipping.
“The ring-necked pheasant—clotheshorse of the cornfields or haberdasher’s nightmare? What’s he wearing? White tie and tails, or short-sleeved, long-tailed, loud-mouthed sport shirt with open collar? Is it a smart art deco design, or too many colors and patterns lumped together? Is it the grandeur of silk or the gaucherie of sequins? Does it matter? A rainbow in the snow is better bromide for the mid-winter blahs than buying a new spring outfit around the phirst of Phebruary.” Charley Harper
Dimensions: 34-1/2″h x 13-1/2″w
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